New York-based singer-songwriter Rachael Sage has introduced her mesmerizing latest single, ‘Albatross (Reimagined)’ featuring breakthrough folk artist Crys Matthews. This release precedes her forthcoming 15th studio album ‘Another Side’, where Sage combines acoustic folk melodies with contemplative lyrics, capturing the essence of classic 70s songwriting effortlessly.

‘Albatross (Reimagined)’ stands as one of Sage’s most introspective compositions, embracing the tranquil beauty of traditional acoustic ballads. Infusing her trademark fusion of folk-pop with softer musical textures, Sage’s heartfelt unison with Matthews takes the spotlight, narrating yet another story of resilience and hope. Through its delicate vocal delivery and understated production, the duet gracefully unveils the poignant new soundscapes of ‘Another Side’.